Business Consulting

Business Advisory Services

At EnTec Consulting, we offer a comprehensive suite of business advisory services tailored to meet the unique needs of entrepreneurs and businesses on the East Coast. Our goal is to empower you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to achieve sustainable growth and long-term success. 

Business Plans

Crafting a solid business plan is essential for laying a strong foundation for your venture. We specialize in developing customized business plans that outline your vision, objectives, strategies, and financial projections, helping you secure funding and make informed decisions. 

Business Startup Services 

Embarking on a new business venture? Our startup services cover business ideation, feasibility analysis, business model development, market research, and strategic planning. We help turn your ideas into actionable business plans, guiding you through the startup journey from concept to launch. 

Business Growth Strategies 

Already established but looking to take your business to the next level? Our growth strategies focus on scalability, market expansion, product diversification, and revenue optimization. We collaborate with you to develop growth-oriented strategies that fuel sustainable business expansion and profitability. 

Marketing & Social Media 

Effective marketing is key to reaching your target audience and building brand awareness. We provide strategic guidance on marketing campaigns, branding initiatives, social media strategies, and digital marketing techniques to enhance your visibility and attract customers. 

Google Listings 

Optimizing your online presence is crucial in today's digital age. We assist in optimizing your Google listings, ensuring accurate information, positive reviews, and enhanced visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving organic traffic to your business. 

SWOT Analysis 

Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) is essential for strategic planning. We conduct thorough SWOT analyses to identify internal capabilities, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and potential risks, guiding your decision-making process. 

ESG & Sustainability 

Incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices into your business strategy is not only ethical but also beneficial for long-term sustainability. We provide guidance on ESG integration, sustainability initiatives, and responsible business practices to create value and build resilience. 

Financial Projections 

Accurate financial projections are essential for budgeting, fundraising, and financial management. Our experts develop comprehensive financial projections, cash flow analysis, revenue forecasts, and expense budgets to support your business planning and decision-making processes. 

Website Development 

Your website is often the first impression customers have of your business. We offer professional website development services, creating user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing websites that showcase your brand, products, and services effectively. 

Business Mentoring 

Navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship can be challenging. We provide personalized business mentoring and coaching, offering valuable insights, guidance, and support to help you overcome obstacles, make strategic decisions, and achieve your business objectives.

Market Readiness and Export Strategy 

Expanding into new markets and exploring export opportunities requires careful planning and strategy. We assist in assessing your market readiness, identifying export potential, conducting market research, and developing export strategies to facilitate international growth and market penetration. 

Funding Program Navigation 

Navigating the complex landscape of funding programs can be daunting. We guide you through the process, helping you identify suitable funding opportunities, understand eligibility criteria, prepare funding applications, and navigate funding programs to access the capital needed for your business growth and development. 

Applying for Funding 

Securing funding is critical for business growth and expansion. We assist in preparing funding proposals, pitch decks, and investor presentations that effectively communicate your business vision, value proposition, and growth potential, increasing your chances of securing funding from investors and financial institutions. 

Resume Writing & LinkedIn Optimization 

Enhance your professional image with our resume writing and LinkedIn optimization services. We create compelling resumes that highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements, ensuring you make a strong impression on potential employers and business partners. Our LinkedIn optimization services optimize your profile to attract opportunities and expand your professional network. 

Project Team

EnTec's dedicated project associates include Dawn Gough as the Lead Consultant, supported by an Export Development Advisor, Marketing Coordinator, an Indigenous Programs Advisor, a Communications Specialist, a Proposal Writer, Website Developer, and an Administrative Assistant. 

"It's such a pleasure working with Dawn of EnTec Consulting. They were thorough, patient, and went beyond my expectations. These guys know their stuff and working with them brought some renewed hope and energy to me."

Alhassan Abdul-latif

Founder, Abbatek Group Inc.

Let's make your dreams a reality!

Book your FREE consultation today by scanning the QR code, calling or texting 709-766-1859, or booking online here!

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"Providing holistic support to entrepreneurs and businesses across various stages of their journey."